Social Studies with Mr. Schiebel 

As you all know the subject of Geography is my passion. Just like any other class, what you put into and hope to get out of it is determined by your state of mind. One thing that is important to understand about geography is that it drives our world.  Whether it is taken as an 8th grader or junior, what I will be sharing with you is meant to help you develop an understanding of how our environment has influenced who we are and how we live.

Global Studies 8 is an introduction to the basic concepts of geography. We will look at how the earth has influenced our lives and survey the world in regard to culture, economics, population, and politics.

As an 11th grader you are preparing to make many critical decisions in your life and these decisions are going to be influenced by many aspects of geography learned in Human Geography. 

In the end, my hope is that what you learn will help you find "your" place in a world that is becoming globally interconnected ecologically, culturally, economically, and politically.

All coursework is maintained on a daily basis through the Google Classroom, if you are a parent interested in tracking your student's daily activity in any of my classes feel free to call or email and I will send you a link.