ECFE Mission: The purpose of Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is to strengthen families through the education and support of all parents in providing the best possible environment for the healthy growth and development of their children.
What happens when we come to a Stay & Play class?
The ECFE staff will greet you and the room will be set up with activities. Usually, there are three parts to each class:
- Exploration Time (children explore the classroom activities & toys with their parent)
- Circle Time (typically includes a story, song, or simple group activity)
- Parent Time (adults head over to a separate room to relax & chat while the children enjoy snack & playtime)
ECFE Builds Connections & Reduces Isolation
One of the incredible benefits of ECFE is the community and connections that are created. We help connect families that might come from different neighborhoods, different cultures, and different experiences but with one thing in common...raising children is universally a transformational experience! We believe that you will add value to our classroom and leave with more knowledge and confidence as a parent.
ECFE Increases Parents' Understanding of Development
Every parent enters parenthood with a different background and at their own unique stage of adult development. When we better understand development, we have more empathy, understanding, and willingness to work hard at the things we know make a difference in child rearing (like healthy boundaries!). What we know from a scientific perspective about development is always changing and evolving as a our brain imaging advances and our research methods become more refined. There is always more about child development to learn and ECFE is a great place to learn it!
Supports Coping Skills & the Importance of Parents
ECFE helps parents understand that they are not alone! They are not the only parent whose child has wiped poop on the wall. They are not the only family who lets their kids watch Bluey…what might be a few too many times. They are not the only parent who struggles with frustration, anger, and not being able to understand why their child won’t do what they are asking them to do. ECFE comes alongside parents and supports them in their very important role. We want you to know that you are doing *something* right amidst all the stress you might be feeling while raising little ones.
More information
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