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St. Charles Elementary School provides a variety of student supports for the children in our school.  We strive to provide all students with the support they need to feel successful and meet grade level standards. The support services we offer at St. Charles Elementary are described below.

Title One:  The Title I program is working hard to help increase student achievement and provide small group instruction for literacy and math.  Our goal is to help students reach grade level expectations in reading and math while encouraging them to become lifelong learners.   All students are given benchmark assessments 3 times per year to determine who is in need of title one services.  About 25% of students in our school receive title one help in one or more subjects.  Title one service times vary by grade level but range from 30 to 60 minutes a day. 

Reading and Math Corps:  Students in grades K-3 have access to Minnesota Reading Corps.  Students in grades 4-6 have access to Minnesota Math Corps. This program is targeted to students who fall just below grade level expectations and are at risk for not meeting end of the year grade level expectations.  We have 2 Reading Corps. Tutors and 1 Math Corps. Tutor this school year. About 15% of the students in our school receive Math or Reading Corps. Services.
Orton-Gillingham:  Orton-Gillingham tutoring during the school day is provided for students in grades 1 and 2, who qualify though our Title One program. It is an instructional approach intended primarily for use with students who have difficulty with reading, spelling, and writing.  Students who qualify for Orton-Gillingham receive tutoring 30 minutes a day in a small group setting.  We serve about 25 students each year in this program at St. Charles Elementary.
RTI (Response to Intervention):  Students in K-6 who are referred by their teacher and qualify for specialized instruction have access to RTI services.  These services focus on grade level skills that students need additional practice in to meet grade level standards.  Students are tiered into ability level groups based on the classroom and benchmark assessments given.   About 20 students each year qualify and receive RTI services. 
Tutoring and Summer School:  After School Tutoring is available for students who qualify.  About 20% of the students at St. Charles Elementary attend after school tutoring and or Summer School.  Summer School is also offered each summer for students in grades 1-6. 
Special Education:  Students in special education both have a disability and are in need of specialized instruction. A comprehensive evaluation, conducted by a team from the public school, evaluates and identifies these students. For every student who needs special education services, the team develops a special document called an Individualized Education Program (IEP). About 12% of students at St. Charles Elementary qualify for Special Education Services
English Language Learner (ELL):  All new students in Minnesota are screened for English proficiency.  Any parent answering a language other than English on the Home Language Questionnaire will have their child tested for school English proficiency.  While many children speak English well, they need additional English help to fully succeed in school.  Based on the test results, if your child is an English Learner, they will receive additional programming to allow them to become proficient in English. About 7% of the students are served by the ELL program at our school.  

Referral process for parents: If you suspect that your child may have a disability, please contact the special education department or discuss your concern with your child's classroom teacher or building principal.

Contact: Ryan Ihrke