FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES Spanish I Students will begin to develop their ability to understand and speak Spanish. 1. Begin to develop proficiency in comprehending, speaking, reading and writing Spanish. 2. Learn the Spanish structure and grammar by way of frequent conversation, listening and written exercises. 3. Explore, understand and investigate other Hispanic cultures. 4. Understand the immediate and long range benefits of acquiring a second language. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of the language through a variety of projects and presentations. Some topics in Spanish I include: greetings, calendar, numbers, telling time, parts of the body, weather, talk about activities you like and don’t like to do, personality traits, school schedules and subjects, indicate where things are located, foods and beverages for breakfast and lunch, health and exercise choices. Spanish II 1. Develop conversational fluency in Spanish. 2. Understand and interpret written and spoken communication in a variety of topics in Spanish. 3. Develop the ability to read short selections in the Spanish language. 4. Study grammatical and idiomatic structures in Spanish. 5. Become aware of cultural themes within the Hispanic culture. 6. Present information and ideas in Spanish.
In Spanish II students engage in oral and written exchanges which include providing and obtaining information, expressing feelings and preferences, and exchanging ideas and opinions in Spanish. Speaking Assessments will be given throughout the semester formally and informally. Some topics in Spanish II include: leisure activities, talk about where you go and with whom, learn how to ask questions, talk about activities outside of school, tell when an event happens, describe families, ask and tell ages, express possession, family celebrations, make comparisons, tell where you live, talk about shopping, talk about what you want and what you prefer. Spanish III Required course for students who intend to participate in a summer trip to a Spanish speaking country. Students will achieve proficiency in comprehending, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. 1. Devote more time to Spanish conversation, reading and writing. 2. Study of Spanish, literature, and culture. 3. Learn writing skills in Spanish such as letters, diaries, short stories and short essays. 4. Become aware of cultural themes within the Hispanic culture. 5. Gain skills to perform well on the college entrance competency test. Some topics in Spanish III include: talk about buying gifts, vacations, volunteer work, what people did for others, movies, television, technology, give directions for getting places, driving habits, daily routines. Speaking Assessments will be given throughout the semester formally and informally. Spanish IV This course is recommended for those students who wish to continue improving and maintaining their fluency in speaking, understanding, reading and writing Spanish. This course is also recommended for students who wish to pursue a major/minor in Spanish at a post-secondary level. Students will have the opportunity to: 1. Devote time to Spanish conversation, reading and writing. 2. Study and practice grammar intensely. 3. Run for Spanish Club officers. 4. Become involved in planning Spanish Club events. 5. Gain sufficient skills to perform well on the college entrance competency test. |