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Art I: Syllabus
Art 1
Drawing, Design, Art History and Aesthetics
Instructor: Reuben Torres
Office: Room 107 St. Charles High School
Office Phone: (507)932-4420 ex. 107
Grades 9-12 2 semester Credits: .5 credit per semester
Art 1 meets every day of the semester. It is an introductory class in the Art department. Students will complete a very rigorous study of drawing and 2-dimensional art. The first quarter will include graphite, pen and ink, and charcoal. The skills acquired in this course will be the foundation upon witch the students will build their artistic and creative minds. The second quarter will include the basic ideas of the Elements and Principles of Design. Student will incorporate projects and written tests to complete the class.
Requirements: Must be in grade 9 or higher. Must have an interest in improving one’s artistic ability and have motivation to do one's best.
Grades: Grades are based upon the projects that are completed, tests, quizzes, class participation, and having a positive attitude toward the subject.
The students will:
1. Increase the knowledge and skills that will enable the individual to express and develop ideas in visual form using a variety of mediums
2. Gain knowledge of the arts of past and present cultures
3. Understand the role of art for the self and for society
4. Become aware of methods for viewing, responding to, talking about, and writing about art.
Projects to enhance student achievement in the Visual Arts:
• 1 Point Perspective Drawing (SPACE)
• 2 Point Perspective Drawing (SPACE)
• Shading (Pencil/Pen) (VALUE)
• Shading (Charcoal/Pastels) (VALUE)
• Contour Drawings (LINE)
• Negative Space Drawings (SHAPE)
• Gesture Drawings/Block Body Drawings
• German Expressionism (VALUE)
• In the style of Impressionism and Claude Monet (TEXTURE)
• Cubism with Pablo Picasso (COLOR)
• Optical Art with Victor Vaserely (SPACE)
• Egyptian Art/ Canopic Jars Unit (FORM)
• Bookbinding Unit
• Art History Final
Grade Scale
A 100% 94.5%
A- 94% 90.5%
B+ 90% 87.5%
B 87% 83.5%
B- 83% 80.5%
C+ 80% 77.5%
C 77% 73.5%
C- 73% 70.5%
D+ 70% 67.5%
D 67% 63.5%
D- 63% 60.5%
I grade on a total points basis. The more points a student accumulates the better the grade they will receive. Points are earned on each project from 10 points to 180 points depending on the unit being covered as well as other factors related to the unit and the classroom.
Drawing, Design, Art History and Aesthetics
Instructor: Reuben Torres
Office: Room 107 St. Charles High School
Office Phone: (507)932-4420 ex. 107
Grades 9-12 2 semester Credits: .5 credit per semester
Art 1 meets every day of the semester. It is an introductory class in the Art department. Students will complete a very rigorous study of drawing and 2-dimensional art. The first quarter will include graphite, pen and ink, and charcoal. The skills acquired in this course will be the foundation upon witch the students will build their artistic and creative minds. The second quarter will include the basic ideas of the Elements and Principles of Design. Student will incorporate projects and written tests to complete the class.
Requirements: Must be in grade 9 or higher. Must have an interest in improving one’s artistic ability and have motivation to do one's best.
Grades: Grades are based upon the projects that are completed, tests, quizzes, class participation, and having a positive attitude toward the subject.
The students will:
1. Increase the knowledge and skills that will enable the individual to express and develop ideas in visual form using a variety of mediums
2. Gain knowledge of the arts of past and present cultures
3. Understand the role of art for the self and for society
4. Become aware of methods for viewing, responding to, talking about, and writing about art.
Projects to enhance student achievement in the Visual Arts:
• 1 Point Perspective Drawing (SPACE)
• 2 Point Perspective Drawing (SPACE)
• Shading (Pencil/Pen) (VALUE)
• Shading (Charcoal/Pastels) (VALUE)
• Contour Drawings (LINE)
• Negative Space Drawings (SHAPE)
• Gesture Drawings/Block Body Drawings
• German Expressionism (VALUE)
• In the style of Impressionism and Claude Monet (TEXTURE)
• Cubism with Pablo Picasso (COLOR)
• Optical Art with Victor Vaserely (SPACE)
• Egyptian Art/ Canopic Jars Unit (FORM)
• Bookbinding Unit
• Art History Final
Grade Scale
A 100% 94.5%
A- 94% 90.5%
B+ 90% 87.5%
B 87% 83.5%
B- 83% 80.5%
C+ 80% 77.5%
C 77% 73.5%
C- 73% 70.5%
D+ 70% 67.5%
D 67% 63.5%
D- 63% 60.5%
I grade on a total points basis. The more points a student accumulates the better the grade they will receive. Points are earned on each project from 10 points to 180 points depending on the unit being covered as well as other factors related to the unit and the classroom.