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The Board of Education of Independent School District No. 858 welcomes you to its meeting. The Board serves as the general agent for carrying out the will of the people of this District, develops general policies for the management of the school system, and is responsible for carrying out certain state laws and regulations. The responsibility for executing policies and administering the school programs is delegated to the superintendent, who is an ex officio member of the Board. Visitors wishing to present items for the Board's consideration should present a written request to the Superintendent at least three days prior to the meeting. Visitors who have not presented written requests, yet have an item of immediate urgency, may make such requests at the time that the agenda is presented for approval. Items to be added to the agenda must receive majority approval by the Board members present. Visitors wishing to ask questions or make comments during the Board meeting should seek recognition from the Board Chair. Questions or comments of a general informational nature should be delayed until the informational exchange session. The Board appreciates your interest and your attendance and invites you to return. |