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In Person Learning (Full Student Capacity) St. Charles Public Schools in consultation with Haley Transportation and Mueller Transportation has systematically reviewed and evaluated our school transportation capacity. Even though we have taken steps to help reduce the number of students who will be transported on a daily basis through the district’s in person learning plan, we have determined that even with those steps, it is not feasible for our school district to ensure 6 feet of social distancing on our school buses when schools are open at full student capacity. You have the opportunity to fill out the School Crossing Safety Consideration Request for 2020-2021 if the following applies to your situation: -Your family lives less than 2 miles away from your child(ren)'s school. -You have concerns about your child(ren)'s access to safe school crossing zones. -You would like the School District to take into consideration your situation. St. Charles Public Schools will continue to provide transportation for students who live outside of a 2-mile radius of their school per the following guidelines: 1. By sending their children to the bus stop each day, parents/guardians attest they have screened their children for symptoms of COVID-19, their children exhibited no symptoms, and were not ill when they left the house to go to the bus stop. 2. The in town bus service, traditionally referred to as the “Chicken Bus” will not be provided. If the COVID-19 pandemic situation continues to improve, the School District will consider bringing this service back. 3. Students who live within two miles of their school are required to walk, bike, or find other means of transportation to school. 4. Parents who have safety concerns regarding school crossing zones within a two mile radius of the schools are encouraged to contact the District Office at 507-932-4420. Concerns will be addressed at the school district’s discretion. 5. Regular route riders only on buses, no guest riders. 6. Students are encouraged to wear masks while waiting for the bus at the bus stop. 7. Students are required to wear masks on the bus until further notice, and must be wearing a mask prior to boarding the bus. 8. All drivers will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before embarking on their daily routes. All drivers will be wearing masks until further notice. 9. Parents/guardians attest that they fully understand the School District cannot control whether or not their children may be exposed to COVID-19 while waiting at the bus stop, riding a School Bus or by attending St. Charles Schools. 10. The District and its transportation providers will clean and disinfect transportation vehicles regularly between routes as required by the Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Education. Page 10 of 18 Parents/guardians have the option to drive their children to and from school, have a sibling or other family member drive their children to and from school, or form car pools with others they are comfortable with. Activities Transportation St. Charles Public Schools is committed to continuing to provide transportation for all in person student activities (after school, sports, field trips, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic as long as we are able to continue to provide students with in person activities. The following guidelines will be adhered to for all activity bus trips. 1. All passengers are required to wear masks to and from the location of the activity until further notice. 2. All drivers will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before embarking on their activity trip assignment. All drivers must wear masks until further notice. 3. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to drive their children to and from activities when practical and should communicate their intent with their children’s coach/advisor in writing. 4. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to sign their children out with a coach/advisor after an activity and transport their children home themselves versus having their children ride home on the school bus. 5. Parents/Guardians may choose to have their children car pool with other families to and from activities when practical and should communicate their intent and permission for their children to do so with their children’s coach/advisor in writing. 6. The District and its transportation providers will clean and disinfect transportation vehicles regularly between activity trips as required by the Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Education. Hybrid Learning (Student Daily Attendance Reduced by 75%) If the School District is directed by the Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Department of Education, or other State regulatory authority to implement our Hybrid Learning model, daily attendance in our schools will be reduced by 75%. This will significantly reduce the number of students riding our buses on a daily basis for the duration that we are required to implement our Hybrid Learning model. While reducing student attendance by 75% may result in significantly fewer students needing to take the bus on a daily basis, it is still not entirely feasible for the district to ensure 6 feet of social distancing on our school buses. St. Charles Public Schools will continue to provide transportation for students who live outside of a 2-mile radius of their school per the same guidelines as our In Person Learning model on the days students are scheduled to be in school. Distance Learning If the District is required to implement its Distance Learning model all school district in person learning, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities will be canceled until further notice and no transportation will be provided to and from our schools. |