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St. Charles Elementary School
Student Supply Lists
Please scroll to find your child's grade level. Download a printable version


  • Backpack 
  • (1) Poly-folder
  • (1-3) Elmer's large glue sticks
  • (1) Canister of disinfectant wipes
  • (1) box of Kleenex
  • Family Photo

Boy: (2) set of Crayola Markers (8-10 count)
Girl: (1) box of 8-12 ct. Crayola Crayons
Full-Day Students:

  • Rest Mat
  • Scissors

Last Names A-M:

Students with last name A-M please bring a snack to share with the class.  Students with last names N-Z will be asked to send in a snack later in the year.

Optional supplies for the classrooms: Dixie cups, paper napkins, paper towels, scented markers, watercolors, paper plates, quart-sized ziplock bags, card stock (white)

Do not send trapper keepers.
Please label items with the child's name.
Some items will be part of the community classroom supplies
Reuse supplies from last year if possible
No backpacks with wheels – they do not fit in school lockers
Physical Education – all grades – must have phy-ed shoes. 
Please wear to school or keep a pair in your locker



(2) boxes of 24 count Crayola brand crayons

(4) boxes of Crayola classic colors wide markers (8 or 10 count)

(2) boxes of Crayola classic colors fine line/thin markers (8 or 10 count)

4-pack low odor fine tip dry erase markers (Expo preferred)

Black Expo dry erase markers (chisel tip/regular size)

(1) plastic- folder (durable for bringing back and forth in a backpack)

(1) Scissors, (1) package of pencils (Regular sized)

(1) plastic pencil box (no zippered pouches)

(1) 4 oz. bottle of white school glue

(12) glue sticks (LARGE)

(2) large box of Kleenex or facial tissue

(1) box zipper lock clear freezer storage bags (Last names A-L: quart size, M-Z: gallon size)

(2) canister disinfectant wipes

(2) paper towel rolls

$10 (cash preferred) this is for our Apple Orchard field trip

Your child will also need to please label these items.

A large backpack, a resting mat, water bottle

Appropriate shoes for phy-ed and recess. Shoes that your child can get on and off independently (Velcro is great)! Classroom snack (we will ask for donations every month- allergies and class numbers will be communicated.



(48) pencils – sharpened if possible

(1) plastic pencil box

(2) erasers

(1) pack pencil cap erasers

(1) scissors (Fiskar type)

(5) 24-count boxes of Crayola crayons

(5) boxes of washable classic color Crayola markers 

(1) 4 oz. bottle of white glue

(6) glue sticks (large if possible)

(4) wide-lined spiral 1 subject PLAIN notebooks

(4) PLAIN plastic folders 

(1) pack Expo dry erase markers 

(1) flash card addition to keep at home

(1) box ziploc bags - last name A – L: gallon size  last name M - Z: quart size

(2) boxes of Kleenex

(1) canister of disinfecting wipes

(1) Headphones  - OVER-THE-EAR ones work the best

 ** DO NOT label these school supplies. They will be part of our community classroom. 


(48) pencils – sharpened if possible

(1) Pencil pouch (not a box-they don’t fit in our desks)

(1) large eraser

1 set each markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors

(1) 4 oz. bottle of white glue 

(3) glue sticks (large if possible)

(2) wide-lined composition (not spiral)  1-subject notebooks

(4) sturdy pocket folders

(8) whiteboard markers (dry erase)

(1 box) Ziploc bags 

  • Boyum’s class - 1 box gallon size
  • Barclay’s class - 1 box quart size
  • Franzen’s class - 1 box snack size

(2) boxes of tissues

(1) canister of disinfecting wipes 

(1) sturdy, but inexpensive, headphones

$20 field trip & activity donation (Cash or check payable to St. Charles Public Schools)


The following list represents supplies needed in the classroom and any donations would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you! 

  • Small magnetic dry eraser
  • Scented stickers
  • Wide popsicle sticks
  • Cap erasers
  • Roll of paper towels
  • Colored copy paper (not construction)


(48) Pencils – sharpened if possible (replenish often) 

(1) large pencil eraser

(1) Pencil Box ( approx. 5” x 8”)

(2) black Sharpie markers

(1) scissors

(1) box markers

(1) box colored pencils or crayons

(2) jumbo glue sticks

(4) PLASTIC folders

(1) wide-lined notebook

(4) black white board markers (dry erase)

(1) 1 inch   3-ring binders

(2) box of Kleenex

(1) canister of disinfecting wipes 

(1) Headphones 

(1)Wireless mouse (optional) (1) Scotch Tape (2 pack)


(48) pencils - sharpened if possible (replenish often)

(1) pack of pencil cap erasers or 2 large erasers

(1) box of 24 count Crayola crayons

(1) set of sharpened colored pencils

(1) box of markers (8 or 10 count)

(1) scissors

(1) pencil pouch

(4) glue sticks (large if possible) 

(1) 4 oz. bottle of glue

(4) highlighters (multiple colors)

(2) black Sharpie markers

(4) dry erase markers (Expo preferred)

(6) folders (variety of colors- red, blue, green, yellow, purple)

(6) spiral-bound wide-lined notebooks (variety of colors- red, blue, green, yellow, purple)

(2 ) packs of white index cards (100 count)

(2) boxes Kleenex 

(2) large canisters of disinfecting wipes

(1) box quart size ziploc bags

(1) box gallon size ziploc bags

(1) pair of headphones (over the ear work best)

(1) wireless mouse (optional but nice to have)

$20 field trip & activity donation  (Cash or check payable to St. Charles Public Schools) 


(1 )  3-ring binder - half-inch (½), – this will be used through grade 6 and beyond

(5) pencils to use during music. 

$5.00 for recorder


(48) pencils, sharpened if possible

(1) BIG sturdy zippered pencil pouch

(2) 100-pack note cards, lined, any size, white

(1) large eraser

(1) scissors

(1 pack) markers

(1 pack) colored pencils

(2) large glue sticks

(5) red pens

(1) black sharpie marker

(1) RED wide-ruled spiral notebook

(1) BLUE wide-ruled spiral notebook

(1) YELLOW wide-ruled spiral notebook

(1) GREEN wide-ruled spiral notebook

(1) RED PLASTIC pocket folder

(1) BLUE PLASTIC pocket folder

(1) YELLOW PLASTIC pocket folder

(1) GREEN PLASTIC pocket folder

(4) highlighters – multiple colors

(1) basic calculator

(12) white board markers -dry erase

(2) box Kleenex or tissue

(1) canister disinfectant wipes

(1) locker shelf (foldable)

$20 - Activity donation including field trips (Cash or check payable to St. Charles Public Schools. Memo line: 5th grade.) 

MUSIC – GRADE 5 and 6 

(5) pencils to use during music. 

Bring your recorder and binder from the year before Otherwise you need to purchase a new ½ inch binder and $5 to replace your recorder. New recorders can be purchased from your music teacher. 



(24) pencils, sharpened 

(1) BIG sturdy zippered pencil pouch

(1) ruler

(4) red pens

(1 pack) colored pencils, sharpened

(1 pack) regular markers (set of 8 or 10)

(1) scissors

(2) LARGE glue sticks or (4) small glue sticks

(2) black sharpie markers - fine point

(1) black sharpie marker - ultra fine point  (Science)

(6) dry erase markers

(2) 100 pack of notecards, white   

(4) highlighters - multi colored

(1) PLASTIC 2-pocket folder - shared with Reading & Math

(1) MEAD Five Star Plastic Folder with note card pocket inside (Science)

(1) basic calculator

(1) locker shelf (foldable)*use same shelf from last year*

(2) boxes of kleenex  

(1) container of disinfecting wipes

(1) body deodorant (to have available in locker)

$50 - Field Trips & Activities fee (includes 6th Grade Camp & t-shirt)



Any family willing to donate the following items for the coming school year would be greatly appreciated! The following items can be delivered to the Elementary School Office.  



Hand sanitizer bottles

Band aids (all sizes) 

Disposable plastic cups (4-5 oz size) 

Sandwich size Ziploc baggies

Disinfectant wipes 

Youth sweat pants/wind pants/leggings sizes 3T-12

Youth socks 

Winter Mittens/Gloves 

Cough Drops/Peppermints



Black sharpies (fine point and ultra fine point)

-colored sharpies

-glitter glue

-clear elmer's glue

-play doh canisters

-No. 2 pencils

-watercolor paint palettes 

-Crayola washable markers (Wide tip and fine point)

-Scrapbook paper (fun patterns and colors)

-Pipe cleaners

-Beads (various sizes, wood, plastic, etc)

-Yarn (various colors)

-Model magic clay

-Acrylic paints


-Clorox wipes


Library Wish List


Clorox wipes

Quart-size Ziploc baggies

Sandwich-size Ziploc baggies

Gallon-size Ziploc baggies

Dry erase markers

Crayola markers

No. 2 Pencils, sharpened if possible

Box crayons

Large Erasers