When dance season has ended, do not let all of your hard work go to the side! You do not want to loose your technique, muscle memory, or stamina over the spring, summer, or fall break!
  • SCDT Summer Training (June 1-July 31)
    • Join our SCDT Summer Training Band Group- We will post updates on sign ups, locations, and also have weekly training challenges for you to do at home! - 
    • Attend the SCDT Summer Dance Camp: TBD
    • Attend the SCDT Technique Tuesdays and Workout Wednesdays: Dates and Location TBD. STAY TUNED Summer activities are not mandatory we HIGHLY suggest attending as many as you can to help improve technique, be prepared for next season, and potentially move up a team.  We ask that you sign up if you can for specific dates so coaches can plan accordingly on how to help you, if you have to change last minute if you can or can't come- no big deal!
  • Continue to use our Linktree: http://linktr.ee/scdt_improve 

No out of season items are mandatory- instead HIGHLY encouraged for all!

Outside Dance Opportunities are not mandatory- they are also linked here https://linktr.ee/scdt_hub ):


Contact: akvenvold@schs.k12.mn.us