School districts must notify parents of children attending Title I schools that they can request information regarding their children's teachers, including, at a minimum, information on (1) completion of state requirements for licensure and certification; (2) emergency or other provisional status; (3) educational background; and (4) whether paraprofessionals are serving the child and, if so, the paraprofessionals' qualifications.

Parents can request information about teachers

Under the No Child Left Behind law, parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teachers.  Parents who would like to receive this information should write to Gretchen Hoffman, Attn: ESEA Teacher Qualifications, St. Charles Elementary School, 925 Church Ave., St. Charles, MN 55972.
Parents can designate which of the following information they want:

  1. Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
  2. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
  3. The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and 
  4. Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.


Los padres pueden solicitar información sobre los maestros.

Bajo la ley Ningún Niño se Queda Atrás, los padres tienen derecho a solicitar información sobre las credenciales profesionales de los maestros del salón de su niño. Los padres que deseen recibir esta información deben escribir al Gretchen Hoffman, Attn: ESEA Teacher Qualifications, St. Charles Elementary School, 925 Church Ave., St. Charles, MN 55972.
Los padres pueden señalar cuáles de los siguientes datos desean recibir:

  1. Saber si el maestro cumple con las credenciales y licencias del estado para los grados y asignaturas que enseña;
  2. Si es que el maestro está enseñando con una licencia de emergencia o provisional, por la que el estado lo ha eximido de los requerimientos de credenciales o criterios para obtener la licencia.
  3. El título universitario del maestro y cualquier otro tipo de certificación académica y el área de disciplina de la certificación o grado académico, y
  4. Credenciales de los paraprofesionales, si es que el niño recibe sus servicios.

Contact: Gretchen Hoffman